Title: Dr. Jesse Stoff Provides the Best Medical Treatment
1Dr. Jesse Stoff Provides the Best Medical
2Dr. Jesse Stoff is an internationally renowned
doctor. He is a graduate from New York Medical
College. After completing his graduation, he
pursued post-doctoral training including a
fellowship at the Royal London Homeopathic
Hospital in London, England. He serves as Medical
Director of the Stoff Institute for Medical
3He is a licensed medical doctor with extensive
credentials in homeopathy, naturopathy,
immunology, acupuncture and holistic medicine. He
owns two offices, one is in Riverhead, dedicated
to fighting and preventing allergies and the
other is in Glen Cove, where he provides
treatment for immunologic diseases and cancers.
He is also planning to open another office.
4In both his offices, Jesse Stoff has appointed
highly skilled and dedicated staff of nurses,
physicians and nutritionists. They use
state-of-the-art medical equipment to analyze
health problems, and provide the best treatment
available. He treats his patients with love and
care, which makes them feel comfortable. He is
highly praised for his frank behavior among his
patients. He stays in touch with his patients to
ensure their good health. In addition, he also
reminds his patients about their upcoming
appointment through phone calls.
5Dr. Jesse consults with physicians and medical
groups both domestically and internationally on
the subjects of immune system disorders and
immune reconstitution. Through his research, he
has developed several new molecular complexes,
one of which is being patented as a true
anti-biotic replacement.
6Dr. Jesse Stoff is aimed at improving the public
health. He has authored/co-authored numerous
articles and books, including co-authoring the
bestsellers Chronic Fatigue Syndrome The Hidden
Epidemic and The Prostate Miracle. Besides this,
he has also served as a member of the Clinical
Nutrition Board of Cancer Treatment Centers of
America, Inc.
7Thank You Jesse Stoff