Title: Safe Driving and Memory Loss
1Safe Driving and Memory Loss
2Memory loss can go hand in hand with safe
driving, especially as individuals reach further
seniority in their ages.
3 As a full-time student, my ability to recall an
iota of information serves me well during exams.
4 On the opposite side of that, I get lost so
easily while commuting.
5 I simply cant follow directions well.
6 As a result, my Global Positioning System, also
known as a GPS, accompanies me as my typical
traveling companion.
7A family member of mine, Janis, has difficulty in
remembering things in general.
8 At one time, she could recall volumes of names.
9 She still possesses a remnant of that gift, and
she performs very well in her chosen profession.
10 Her capacity to find locations surpasses my own
by a wide margin.
11 The primary difference between our driving
styles exposes in our abilities to follow
12Instincts, Gadgets, and Safe Driving
13Janis car displays a built-in dashboard GPS, but
it has not received an update since the early
14 It refuses to search for businesses.
15 It only accepts input for residences.
16 This has led to her reliance on instincts and a
willingness to taking directions from friends.
17 With this in thought, does safe driving and
memory loss directly affect each other? I
personally think they exist with a link, but I
believe that other accommodations can aid our
strengths in arriving at appropriate destinations.
18Unfamiliarity as It Relates to Safe Driving
19An unfamiliarity with surroundings can cause some
motorists to suffer in the zone of safe driving.
20 I need a GPS to guide me in a few particular
21 For example, traveling for 40 minutes to a job
interview can disorient me.
22 It really hurts me mentally when my GPS drops to
the floor.
23 My GPS suction only lasts about that long, even
when I have thoroughly cleaned my inner
windshield surface.
24 To make a point, I am in my middle 30s, and I
exhibit memory trouble simply because I have
never been to a location before.
25 With the aid of technology, memory loss may not
come across as badly.
26News media often show the extremes when it comes
to making reports.
27 With persons affected by dementia, it may seem
obvious to point out memory loss as the culprit,
and in turn, that leads to recognition of similar
behaviors in senior citizens.
28 For the average commuter, problems with memory,
or even familiarity, can perhaps reveal
themselves as inconveniences.
29 Technology and a wide variety of personal
giftings can aid safe driving in other areas of