Title: the new name of developed societies
- The new name of developed societies
2- In bringing positive change in societies,
volunteerism and social service play a
magnificent role. So far empirical evidences have
been revealed that those countries which have
captured the pace of progress and development
have always witnessed great and glorious
contribution of nonprofit organizations, because
being non-profit oriented, these organizations do
not spoil or exploit other rights. Rather, they
are all time conscious and deliberate about key
national and international issues, and find out
way outs to get rid of those issues.
3India Trust gives its valid contribution for the
development of societies by undertaking multiple
development oriented projects that will be
discussed in the later paragraphs.
4- Fundraising
- Since being nonprofit organizations, they have a
very typical source of funding. They do not have
any source of profit. Rather, their source of
funding comes from live hearted philanthropists
who are all time ready for serving the deserving
segment of society in a bid to create harmony and
balance in society.
5Focusing Areas There are some major areas where
the mentioned organizations give special
emphasis. These areas include, education, health,
food, shelter, social activities, special care
6- Project executions
- The projects related to various sectors are first
decided on need basis and then proper execution
plan is prepared. After completing the plan, the
practical initiatives are taken to transfer the
services to the target areas with efficiency and
7- From a research based study on the above
mentioned organizations, it can be unequivocally
concluded that the cited organizations play a
vital role in executing development oriented
activities, thus giving pace to sustainable
development and prosperity.
8 Fore More Information Visit
- http//reliefindiatrust.in/
- http//www.ritrehab.org/
- http//reliefindiatrust.co.in/
- http//www.reliefindiatrustreview.com/
- Contact 91-9810102897