Title: Fashion men and women’s
1Fashion men and womens
Fashion men and womens
Fashion men and womens
Fashion men and womens
Fashion men and womens
2- Women will buy fashion magazines-to browse latest
season of clothing. - Women keeping up with fashion have changed with
it. - The fashion industry is also a lot more focused
on women. - There are differences between men and women's
attitudes to fashion.
3Women often keep up with fashion a lot more than
men - looking at the latest trends and what will
flatter their figure. Women will buy fashion
magazines to browse through the latest season of
clothing, and fashionistas keeping an eye on the
runways so they can be the first to wear the
latest styles. However, many men don't take the
same approach and simply wear what they are
comfortable in - buying any style of clothing and
sticking with it. Why are there differences
between men and women's attitudes to fashion and
does the male gender really care whether women
wear the latest styles?
4Fashion Men and womens
Fashion magazines