Title: How Summer Camp Friendships Impact A Childs Life
1How Summer Camp Friendships Impact a Childs Life
2Summertime at camp!
3- Time for exciting new experiences,
- renewing friendships
4- and making new friends while having a
- blast every day.
5Friendships make a camp experience unforgettable
and often last a lifetime
6Its not uncommon for camp buddies to stay
friends through adulthood..
7..especially now thatsocial media makes it easy
to stay in touch
8Developing friendships is easy at Camp Walt
9Ask many alumni today about their memories
10and they will recall the strong friendships and
the bonds they still have with these friends today
11At Camp Walt Whitman
12when children make new friends
explore the world around them
and learn that "I can" is much more powerful
than "I can't"
13Magic happens.
14- Camp Walt Whitman, located in the White Mountains
of New Hampshire, is the best coed sleepaway camp
available in New England. Boys and girls from 2nd
grade to teens have the time of their lives every
15- Camp Walt Whitman
- 1000 Cape Moonshine Rd
- Piermont, NH 03779
- 603-764-5521
16- Visit Us _at_
- http//www.campwalt.com