Title: Goals in our life (1)
2 Difference Between Dreams and Goals
Types Of Goals We All Have In Our Life
How Goal Based Webs and Apps Help Us
3Difference Between Dreams and Goals
- Dreams dont have any result
- Dreams require imagination
- Dreams are imaginary
- Dreams dont have any deadline
- Goals are result oriented
- Goals require hard work
- Goals are reality
- Goals always have deadlines
5Types Of Goals We All Have In Our Life
The word goal is NOT specifically related to
education or career. A goal can be as usual as
cooking your favourite dish on a particular day
or as significant as climbing your favourite hill
And making your dream come true
So anyone can be a goal setter
7Educational Goals
Career Goals
Financial Goals
Travel / Social Goals
Relationship / Family Goals
8How Goal Based Webs and Apps Help Us
9A Coach that goes everywhere with you, helping
you achieve any goal, change any habit, or build
any expertise.
A goal based social network where a user can
tie-up with mentors, gurus, professionals and
fellow strugglers to accomplish their goals.
Linkagoal says Everyone has a GOAL
Any.do is your free mobile and online task
A website that has an intuitive process that
makes the process of setting goals simple and easy
10We all have some goals at every stage of our
life. These goals are however dynamic in nature.
We keep adjusting our objectives as per changes
within ourselves and outside. In the end we
become what we aspire. We never fail until we
dont give up.