Title: Dr. Donald Sonn: Personal and Professional
1Dr. Donald Sonn Personal and Professional
2 Dr. Donald Sonn says that it is
important for you not to give into these urges to
dedicate too much of your time to work, and to
spread it out equally between your personal and
professional life.
3Professional Life
Donald is a professional physician and
businessman in the field of management. He has
contributed to many breakthroughs and
developments in the field, because of his strong
work ethics. Donald however is more than just
his job title.
4Professional Life..
Because of the emotional involvement he has in
much of his work, he sometimes finds it very
difficult to focus on anything other than his
latest breakthrough on a project. Though he is
passionate about his field, as well as about
helping others, he says that it is important to
remember that your family should always take
precedent over your work.
5Personal Life
Dr. Donald Sonn says that in order to live a
balanced and healthy life we must all seek the
fulcrum and balance in all things. He says that
no matter how involved you are with work, family
always comes first, and once you realize this you
can live a happier and healthier life.
6Personal Life..
He is a husband as well as a father, which is why
he says that he needs to remind himself to play
equally in all roles, and not let his love of
work get the best of him. He says family is so
important because they are the very reason you go
to work everyday.
7Thank You