Title: Vegetable Fried Rice-Hypnotizing and tempting
Vegetable Fried Rice is a Chinese dish which has
over a period of time evolved into an
Indo-Chinese cuisine. We had a family get
together few days back. It was my nephews
birthday. I prepared a lot of dishes, some of
which almost took a day for me to prepare them
and some which were prepared in the blink of an
eye. Of all the dishes, I was surprised to see
that kids loved Vegetable Fried Rice more than
anything. Its aroma was truly hypnotizing and had
a tempting look which left almost everyone
spellbound. In fact, I had to prepare more of it,
but it was not at a problem as this dish takes
less than 5-10 minutes to cook provided you have
all ingredients at home and you cook it the easy
way. Visit http//www.easytocookfoodrecipes.info
Use 2 small bowls to cook(Make sure they are not
fully cooked. There should be no lumps and each
grain should be distinct and separable) 4 medium
sized diced 2 (medium sized) Chopped ½ a cup 1
tsp 3 tsp 1 inch finely chopped 5-6 cloves finely
chopped 3-4 finely chopped As per taste 2 tsp
Cooked (Boiled) Rice Carrots Onion Beans
Black Pepper Powder Soya Sauce Ginger Garlic
Green Chillies Salt Oil
1). Take a non stick pan and heat it. 2).
After the pan is heated, add oil, ginger, garlic
and onion. Stir it for a few seconds.
3). Now, add vegetables, carrots and French
beans. (If you want you can include more
vegetable like peas, cabbage and capsicumI
prefer to keep it simple)
44). Then, add soy sauce, salt and black
(Soy sauce contains salt therefore
accordingly add) 5). Now add boiled rice slowly
and stir. Then add more of rice and stir.
5Mix it well and if color of the rice is still
white then feel free to add more of soy
sauce. (All the above steps should be done on
high flame.) 6) Let it heat for 4-5 minutes on
medium flame till the mixture gets hot. 7)
Garnish it with spring onions serve it with
gravy Manchurian or savor it with Red chilli