Title: Breast surgery for cancer prevention in Adelaide
1Dr. Yugesh Caplash Plastic
Reconstructive Surgeon
2Breast Cancer in Young Women
Some studies tells, under 7 of all breast cancer
cases in women under 40.Delay in Breast Cancer
can cause problems.Today, many womens ignore
the warningh sign. Concern with doctor about
breast surgery in Adelaide.
3Types of Breast Cancer
Noninvasive Cancer Invasive Cancer
4 Symtoms
Nipple tenderness
Enlargement of one breast
Vaginal Pain
Weight Loss
Get Expert answers about Breast surgery and pain
.Speak with an Experienced doctor for breast
surgery in Adelaide.
5 Treatment
- Surgery
- Chemotherapy
- Hormone therapy
- Biological therapy
Internationally famous for Breast Surgery in
6(No Transcript)
7Contact Us
Advanced Plastic Cosmetic Surgery 10 Waterloo
Street Glenelg, SA 5045