Title: Kitchen Remodeling Orange County – Re-fresh Your Food Inspiration
1 Kitchen Remodeling Orange County Re-fresh
Your Food
2 Do you consider kitchen as the most important
room of your house? Do you spend most of your
time in the kitchen and some of your most
memorable times happened in the kitchen? Yes,
indeed this is every households story and this
is why you need kitchen remodeling Orange
County. An oddly or poorly designed and a less
functional kitchen not only kills your food
aspirations but also fails to give the
environment an inviting look.
3 Do you know? We spend around 1,132 complete
days in a year in our kitchen preparing delicious
recipes and family meals. This is 27,158 hours
spent cooking in the kitchen. In an average life,
approximately 3 years are spent toiling, cooking
and chopping. On average 72 minutes are spent
daily by an adult, cooking in the kitchen.
4- Spending so much time in the kitchen calls for
careful consideration when remodeling your
kitchen. - Contemporary kitchens in new homes are 306 sq.
ft. in size on average. - As the size of home increases from 2000 to 3000
sq. ft., the size of the kitchen increase from
193 to 423 sq. ft. - A typical kitchen remodeling Orange County budget
involves spending
5 29 on European Cabinets and Hardware 17 on
Installation 14 on Ventilation Appliances 10
on Countertops 5 on Lighting 4 on Design
Fees 4 on Plumbing Faucets
6 In 2014, the national job cost for kitchen
remodeling Orange County was 54,909 whereas the
resale value amounted to 40,732, thereby 74 of
the national cost recouped. New Form Kitchen
offers appealing kitchen remodeling Orange County
designs at an affordable price. Visit
7 NewForm Kitchen and More 1822 Newport Blvd,
Costa Mesa, CA, 92627 USA PH (949) 650-1472