Title: Why does Mobile Testing Differ From Desktop Testing?
1Why does Mobile Testing Differ From Desktop
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2Why does Mobile Testing Differ From Desktop
Performing web site testing, desktop testing
or mobile testing one should keep in mind that
applications designed for personal computers
differ from those designed for mobile
devises. The differences are caused by many
factors. The factors are mostly related to
structure and conditions of usage of devices.
Office in Ukraine Phone 380 (472)
5-61-6-51 E-mail contact (at) qa-testlab.com Addr
ess 154a, Borschagivska str., Kiev,
Ukraine http//qatestlab.com/
3Why does Mobile Testing Differ From Desktop
Mobile Software Products Vary From Desktop Mobile
Products Because
mobile devices are smaller than personal
computers mobile devices as well as mobile
applications are meant to be used on the move,
unlike personal computers and desktop
applications mobile devices are equipped with
communication features, many various sensors,
cameras, location services and many other things
that are absent on personal computers users
mostly interact through touch-screen with mobile
devices, they interact mostly through keyboard
and mice with personal computers.
Office in Ukraine Phone 380 (472)
5-61-6-51 E-mail contact (at) qa-testlab.com Addr
ess 154a, Borschagivska str., Kiev,
Ukraine http//qatestlab.com/
4Why does Mobile Testing Differ From Desktop
Due to these factors mobile software products
have some peculiarities. So, performing load
testing, usability testing, functional
testing, security testing and other testing types
of a mobile software product one should keep in
mind that a mobile software product differs from
a desktop application.
Office in Ukraine Phone 380 (472)
5-61-6-51 E-mail contact (at) qa-testlab.com Addr
ess 154a, Borschagivska str., Kiev,
Ukraine http//qatestlab.com/
5Why does Mobile Testing Differ From Desktop
During mobile testing a tester must check how the
application operates in motion, in various
positions, under various lightings. One should
also check if the application influences main
functions of a mobile device, like receiving and
making calls, receiving, and sending messages,
location services and so on. A software testing
company wants its testers to consider all these
issues executing mobile application testing.
Office in Ukraine Phone 380 (472)
5-61-6-51 E-mail contact (at) qa-testlab.com Addr
ess 154a, Borschagivska str., Kiev,
Ukraine http//qatestlab.com/
6Thank you!
Office in Ukraine Phone 380 (472)
5-61-6-51 E-mail contact (at) qa-testlab.com Addr
ess 154a, Borschagivska str., Kiev,
Ukraine http//qatestlab.com/