Title: Sukrit Agrawal - AMD Co-Founder
1Sukrit Agrawal AMD Co-Founder
2Sukrit AgrawalAmerican Heart Association
Sukrit Agrawal is the Chief Executive Officer of
AMD, a medical supply company, and with his
brother is one of the company's co-founders. He
holds a degree in Electrical Engineering from
Duke University, and a Master of Business
Administration from Florida International
University. He is a supporter of the American
Heart Association, the American Diabetes
Association, and the Hindu Society of America.
3Sukrit AgrawalNew Delhi Native
Sukrit Agrawal is a native of New Delhi, India,
and a 1986 graduate of Duke University, where he
received a degree in Electrical Engineering. He
went on to graduate school at Florida
International University, where he earned a
Master of Business Administration degree in 1989.
Along with his brother, he is a founder of AMD,
one of the largest and most successful
diversified medical supply distributors in the
United States. Sukrit Agrawal is the CEO of AMD,
one of the nation's largest and most successful
diversified medical supply companies. He holds a
Master of Business Administration from Florida
International University. He is a supporter of
many worthy causes and organizations, including
Children's Charities in Colombia, the American
Heart Association, and the Fox Trail Elementary
School for Autism. He enjoys a clean lifestyle
and spending as much time with his family as he
4Sukrit Agrawal - CEO and MBA
Sukrit Agrawal is one of the founders of AMD, a
Florida-based medical supply company that uses
technology and insight to provide smarter ways
for its customers to find and purchase medical
supplies. He attended Duke University and Florida
International University, and holds a Bachelor's
degree in Electrical Engineering and a Master of
Business Administration. He is currently the
company's Chief Executive Officer.