Title: Facelift
1Facelift at Dr. Bustillo
- Dr. Bustillo is a board certified facial plastic
and cosmetic surgeon in Miami, south Florida
office more than 10 year during plastic surgery.
He provide natural and conservative quality work
in shortest time possible with affordable price
Miami Plastic surgeon Dr. Bustillo interested in
extra curricular works like written article and
book. He also regular speaker on local Radio
Dr. Andres Bustillo, MD
2What is Facelift ?
- Dr. Bustillo is one of a selected surgeon who
performs the deep plane facelift in South Florida.
- A facelift, is a surgical procedure that rectify
visible signs of aging in the face and neck. It
can change the look and improve the
self-confidence of people.
- A facelift usually involves the removal of excess
facial skin and the redrawing of the skin on the
patient's face and neck.
3When do I need a Facelift ?
There are three visible transformations of aging
face descent, deflation, and radial expansion.
- Descent refers to the inferior displacement of
the facial soft tissues
- Deflation refers to the loss of facial fat
- Radial expansion is the loosening of the facial
As result of the aging procedure, the facial
skin and underlying tissues come down. first
seen in the mid face, where the malar fat cheek
begins to escend.
The facelift should reposition of muscle in order
to correct the jowls. And fat transfer is used to
shape of the cheek to more youthful look.
4 The facelift should reposition of muscle in
order to correct the jowls. And fat transfer is
used to shape of the cheek to more youthful look.
See this image patient after having a facelift
and eyelid lift by Dr. Bustillo. The mid face has
been youthful contour re-established.
5- This figure is describe the platysma muscle in
the face and the neck that occurs with facial
- In this figure repositioning and elevation of the
platysma muscle during the deep plane facelift as
performed by Dr. Bustillo.
6Contact _at_ Dr. Andres Bustilo
6705 Red Rd. 602 Coral Gables FL 33143 USA,