Title: Leland Fondow
1Leland Fondow
2Leland Fondow - Classic Cars
Leland Fondow is a true fan of classic cars. He
and his wife take pride in their 1955 Chevy Bel
Air. They both started working on it as a project
after it came back from the restoration shop.
They explained that it is much like putting
together a puzzle like a family but even better
because you get to drive it around and take it to
car shows.
3Leland Fondow - Red Sox fan
Leland Fondow has been a Red Sox fan since he was
a toddler. He remembers watching the Red Sox with
his father growing up and going to Red Sox games
with him. He has been known to take his family to
some games from time to time. They really enjoy
it when the Yankees come to town to see a rivalry
that's over 100 years old.
4Leland Fondow - Atlantic Fishing
Leland Fondow is a very intense deep sea fisher.
He goes out a couple weekends a year off the
coast of Boston all the way up to Cape Cod. He
loves the challenge of the Atlantic deep-sea
fishing and takes his family with him they enjoy
having the opportunity to fish for wolfish,
haddock and sharks. The work as a team when they
catch them.