Title: Gold Coast's Closest Offsite Airport Parking Service Provider
1Ezy Parking
Gold Coast's Closest Offsite Airport Parking
Service Provider
2Welcome to Ezy Parking your family owned and
Gold Coast airport parking facility from 5 per
day. Ezy Parking is one of the reliable and
certified gold coast Airport cars parking Rental
Company in Australia.
3Gold Coast Long Term Car Storage
- Our happy clients include individuals and
businesses who share the same problem - what do
you do when you have more cars than storage
space. - Going overseas and don't know what to do with
your car? Call Ezy Parking Gold Coast long term
car storage. - Do you have damaged vehicles sitting around
waiting for insurance approval? Call Ezyparking
Gold Coast long term car storage. - Does your fleet temporarily out number your
workforce? Call Ezyparking Gold Coast long term
car parking. - Secure Undercover parking and Secure uncovered
parking available - In fact, if you have any car, boat or caravan
that you need stored,
4How Does It Work? Take the hassle out of your
travel parking, avoid the queues and finding cash
to pay at the self-service terminals at the end
of your trip. You will be transferred to the
departure terminal, on your arrival home we will
pick you up and bring you back to your car at
book in office.
5(No Transcript)
6For More Information, Please Contact With us Ezy
Parking Shop 4/Lang St. Gold Coast, QLD
4224 Phone 0420 977 521 Web www.ezyparking.com.a
7Thank You!