Title: AngularJS
2AngularJS Introduction
- AngularJS is a JavaScript framework. It can be
added to an HTML page with a ltscriptgt tag. - AngularJS extends HTML attributes with
Directives, and binds data to HTML with
Expressions. - AngularJS is a JavaScript framework. It is a
library written in JavaScript. - AngularJS is distributed as a JavaScript file,
and can be added to a web page with a script tag - ltscript src"http//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/
angularjs/1.3.14/angular.min.js"gt - lt/scriptgt
3AngularJS Extends HTML
- AngularJS extends HTML with ng-directives.
- The ng-app directive defines an AngularJS
application. - The ng-model directive binds the value of HTML
controls (input, select, textarea) to application
data. - The ng-bind directive binds application data to
the HTML view.
4AngularJS Example
lt!DOCTYPE htmlgtlthtmlgt ltscript
s/1.3.14/angular.min.js"gtlt/scriptgt ltbodygt ltdiv
ng-app""gt ltpgtName ltinput type"text"
ng-model"name"gtlt/pgt ltp ng-bind"name"gtlt/pgt lt
/divgt lt/bodygtlt/htmlgt
6Example explained
- AngularJS starts automatically when the web page
has loaded. - The ng-app directive tells AngularJS that the
ltdivgt element is the "owner" of an AngularJS
application. - The ng-model directive binds the value of the
input field to the application variable name. - The ng-bind directive binds the innerHTML of the
ltpgt element to the application variable name.
7AngularJS Directives
- As you have already seen, AngularJS directives
are HTML attributes with an ng prefix. - The ng-init directive initialize AngularJS
application variables. - AngularJS Example
- ltdiv ng-app"" ng-init"firstName'John'"gt ltpgt
The name is ltspan ng-bind"firstName"gtlt/spangtlt/pgt
8AngularJS Expressions
- AngularJS expressions are written inside double
braces expression . - AngularJS will "output" data exactly where the
expression is written - AngularJS Example
- lt!DOCTYPE htmlgtlthtmlgt ltscript
s/1.3.14/angular.min.js"gtlt/scriptgt ltbodygt ltdiv
ng-app""gt ltpgtMy first expression 5 5
lt/pgt lt/divgt lt/bodygtlt/htmlgt
10AngularJS Applications
- AngularJS modules define AngularJS applications.
- AngularJS controllers control AngularJS
applications. - The ng-app directive defines the application, the
ng-controller directive defines the controller. - AngularJS Example
- ltdiv ng-app"myApp" ng-controller"myCtrl"gt Fir
st Name ltinput type"text" ng-model"firstName"gtlt
brgt Last Name ltinput type"text"
ng-model"lastName"gtltbrgt ltbrgt Full Name
firstName " " lastName lt/divgt
11Continue.. ltscriptgt var app
angular.module('myApp', ) app.controller('myCt
rl', function(scope) scope.firstName
"John" scope.lastName "Doe" )lt/script
13- AngularJS modules define applications
- var app angular.module('myApp', )
- AngularJS controllers control applications
- app.controller('myCtrl', function(scope)
- scope.firstName "John"
scope.lastName "Doe" )
14- AngularJS Numbers
- AngularJS numbers are like JavaScript numbers
- AngularJS Example
- ltdiv ng-app"" ng-init"quantity1cost5"gt ltp
gtTotal in dollar quantity cost
lt/pgt lt/divgt - Output
15- AngularJS Strings
- AngularJS strings are like JavaScript strings
- AngularJS Example
- ltdiv ng-app"" ng-init"firstName'John'lastName
'Doe'"gtltpgtThe name is firstName " "
lastName lt/pgtlt/divgt - Output
16- AngularJS Objects
- AngularJS objects are like JavaScript objects
- AngularJS Example
- ltdiv ng-app"" ng-init"personfirstName'John',
lastName'Doe'"gt ltpgtThe name is
person.lastName lt/pgt lt/divgt - Output
17- AngularJS Arrays
- AngularJS arrays are like JavaScript arrays
- AngularJS Example
- ltdiv ng-app"" ng-init"points1,15,19,2,40"gt
ltpgtThe third result is points2
lt/pgt lt/divgt - Output
18- AngularJS Tables
- The ng-repeat directive is perfect for displaying
tables. - Displaying Data in a Table
- Displaying tables with angular is very simple
- AngularJS Example
- ltdiv ng-app"myApp" ng-controller"customersCtrl"gt
lttablegt lttr ng-repeat"x in names"gt
lttdgt x.Name lt/tdgt lttdgt x.Country
lt/tdgt lt/trgt lt/tablegtlt/divgt
19ltscriptgt var app angular.module('myApp',
) app.controller('customersCtrl',
function(scope, http) http.get("http//w
.success(function (response) scope.names
response.records) )lt/scriptgt Output
20- Displaying with CSS Style
- To make it nice, add some CSS to the page
- CSS Style
- ltstylegt table, th , td border 1px solid
grey border-collapse collapse padding
5px table trnth-child(odd)
background-color f1f1f1 table
trnth-child(even) background-color
ffffff lt/stylegt