Title: Diffusion of Innovation in Agricultuure Sector
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3Diffusion and Innovation in Agriculture Sector
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- Diffusion is the process in which the spread of
new innovation (techniques ,practices and
methods) in both a social and geographical sense
by communication channels among the members of a
social system.
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7Diffusions Characteristics??
- Diffusion to maximum level takes time
(sometimes a long time). - The maximum level of adoption will rarely be
100 (or even close to 100) - Rates of adoption vary between different
innovations. - Rates of adoption of the same innovation vary
between locations. - Start time of adoption can vary between
8Rice Transplanting
Latest Method
Old Method
9Elements in Diffusion ???
Communication Channels
Over time
Social system
Diffusion 1st Element
An innovation is an idea, practice, or object
that is perceived as new by an individual or
other unit of adoption where Innovation and
technology are used synonyms.
Early Adopters This is second fastest category
of individuals who adopt an innovation.
Early Majority Individuals in this category
adopt an innovation after a varying degree of
Individuals in this category will adopt an
innovation after the average member of the
Individuals in this category are the last to
adopt an innovation
Innovators Innovators are the first individuals
to adopt an innovation
12Main stages of innovation
13Communication channels??
Diffusion 2nd Element
- Diffusion is a particular type of communication
in which the information that is exchanged is
concerned with new ideas. - The principle of the diffusion process is the
information exchange by which one individual
communicates a new idea to one or several others.
Written Communication
Broadcast Media
14Time?? (Chronemics)
Diffusion 3rd Element
- Time is an important element in the diffusion
process. In fact, most other behavioral science
research is timeless in the sense that the time
dimension is simply ignored. - Mostly adoption rate increases with time.
15Social system??
Diffusion 4th Element
- Social system defined as a set of interrelated
units that are engaged in joint problem solving
to accomplish a common goal. - The members of social system may be units of a
social system may be individuals, informal
groups, organizations, and/or subsystems.
16The Adoption Decision Process
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18Reasons for Adoption of Technology
These farmers are progressive farmers. They
believe on science and technology.
Education They went to school. They know how to
read and write (most are men).
Age group They are young, less than 40 years
Recognition of saving money and health.
19Reasons for not adoption of technology
They have not yet seen the demonstration fields.
Farmers did not believe because it was new to
They worried of low yield
Low education
20Impact of Technological Innovation in Agriculture
21- Major Technological Advancements in Agriculture
- Agricultural Mechanization
- Hybridization
- Biotechnology
- Tunnel Farming
Hybridization is the technique of introducing
characters of two desirable plants into a single
offspring by means of artificial pollination.
- Hybrids can have up to 25 percent higher yield.
- Disease Resistance
- Stress Resistance
- Hybrid Vigor
23Agricultural Mechanization
It is the process of using agricultural machinery
to mechanise the work of agriculture, greatly
increasing farm worker productivity.
Saves time/Work
Work over much larger area
Work for Longer hours
Efficient and effective
Reduces labor
24Technology and Agriculture
25Agricultural biotechnology
Includes a range of tools that scientists employ
to understand and manipulate the genetic make-up
of organisms for use in the production or
processing of agricultural products.
26Tunnel Farming
- A tunnel is a building in which plants are
grown with perfect climatic conditions by
capturing sun rays. - Advantage???
- For growing off-season crops.
- Minimize the duration of research work.
- High quality products.
- Maximum returns.
27Advantage Of Innovations
Farmers Education Loan provision Subsidies Proper
Extensionist work
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