Title: UAB Desiccant Technologies Group - destech.eu
1Desiccant Dehumidifier Manufacturers in Europe
2 UAB Desiccant Technologies Group
Desiccant Technologies Group is an European top
notch and innovation desiccant dehumidifier maker.
Dehumidifiers are expected to meet modern and
business requirements for dry air. The heart of
the unit is the high dampness retaining limit
4 Desiccant Dehumidifier Manufacturing Company
Desiccant dehumidifier MDC7500
Desiccant dehumidifier MDC6000
Desiccant dehumidifier MDC5000
Desiccant dehumidifier MDC450
5Desiccant dehumidifier MDC1000
Desiccant dehumidifier MDC250
Desiccant dehumidifier MDC800
Desiccant dehumidifier MDC2000
6Desiccant dehumidifier MDC3000
Desiccant dehumidifier MDC4000
Desiccant dehumidifier MDC8000
7(No Transcript)
8UAB Desiccant Technologies Group
E-mail destech_at_destech.eu
Verkiu str. 5, LT-08212 Vilnius, Lithuania
Ph 370 (610) 65665