Title: Meir Panim_Different Ways To Fight Poverty
1Meir PanimDifferent Ways To Fight Poverty
Poverty is a serious problem around the world.
It affects so many people in so many different
ways. Thankfully, there are countless charities
dedicated to ending poverty and assisting those
in need.
2Meir Panim Important Aspects of a Charity
Meir Panim is deeply committed to aiding the
poverty-stricken in Israel. One out of every
three Israeli children is suffering from hunger,
one out of every four people is living in
poverty, and one out of every five elderly
citizens is in need of immediate assistance.
Meir Panim offers a wide range of food and
social service programs that are specifically
designed to not only provide immediate relief to
those in desperate need, but also to help people
rise above their current situation and regain
their lives in society. The organization
understands that extreme poverty often creates a
vicious cycle that is difficult to escape, but
they can help anyone willing to become active,
self-sufficient members of Israeli society once
3Meir Panim Proper Nutrition for Children
Children are the future. It is important that
they receive the proper care and nutrition to
grow up healthy, strong and ready to make a
difference in the world. Nutrition plays a vital
role in the development and growth of a child.
4Meir Panim Helping Those in Need
Meir Panim has dedicated much time, energy and
resources to those in need. As a non-profit
organization, they have helped countless citizens
of Israel who live below the poverty line. They
have built and implemented various programs to
help those in times of need, including Free
Restaurants, Meals on Wheels, Meals for Children,
Employment Horizons, Food Shopping Cards, and
After School Youth Clubs. They have dedicated
themselves to not only relieving the harmful
effects of poverty, but drastically reducing the
number of children suffering from poverty as
well. Because children rely on their families
for food and shelter, Meir Panim focuses on
aiding children in poverty to help ensure they
are still able to get the nutrition and help they