Title: Spine Care in Columbia Heights
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2MN Spine Pain Institute
3Spine Care in Columbia Heights
Trust the doctors of MN Spine care in Columbia
Heights. MN Spine Pain Institute in Fridley as
well as Columbia Heights, providing quality
Digital-X-rays which help us to determine the
cause of your pain.
4Chiropractor In Fridley
Chiropractors have different philosophies and
various repairs. The purpose of a number of
chiropractors should help to return to the
previous state of health, and then not
necessarily expect to see you again, if you have
any further problems.
5Massage In Columbia Heights
Massage is the most natural of natural remedies.
Touching your body where it hurts seems to be a
basics instinct, like running from danger or
eating when youre hungry. And experts say that
massage, no matter how humble or low-tech it may
seem, can be a powerful healer.
6Chiropractor In Columbia Heights
Chiropractor In Columbia Heights Care has proven
beneficial in the treatment of neck and back
ailments, chronic headaches, sinus problems and
immune system disorders, sports, work and
automobile injuries, as well as athletic
performance enhancement.
7Contact Us
MN Spine Pain Institute 5174 Central Ave NE
Columbia Heights, Minnesota 55421 Phone (763)
205-4643 Fax (763) 444-1934 Web