Title: Addiction Rehab Programs - Top 4 Methods of Rehabilitation
1Addiction Rehab Programs - Top 4 Methods of
2There are various kinds of addiction rehab orange
county programs because experts realize how
dangerous the problem of addiction is and how
urgent the need for rehabilitation is. One look
at the various kinds of addiction rehab orange
county programs can make a caretaker of an addict
in making a wise decision. Here are some kinds of
programs offered at the various addiction rehab
orange county centers.
- In this type of program, it is accepted that
there is a disease, which is causing the
addiction and the disease can be treated
medically. - Even though the disease theory is not widely
accepted or validated by experts in this field
but it is used and is considered as an effective
treatment. - There has been ongoing debate about its use and
effectiveness though. - This treatment uses a mix of counseling and
medications to manage the addiction but relapses
are still considered normal and quite expected. - Usually, a 30-day intensive program is designed
for addicts in which medication is given and it
can be quite expensive ranging 5000 to 10,000 a
week. However, if successful, the cost seems
worth saving someones future and life.
This method uses counseling sessions and
evaluations along with various other strategies
to help the addict get over his or her addiction.
Various techniques and methods are used since a
number of psychologists work together to help the
patient cure. The cost of this treatment ranges
2000 to 10,000 a week.
5Social Educational
It is important to understand that addictions are
caused due to problems and problems arise in the
environment every now and then, which is
precisely why the need for social education has
evolved over the years. Addiction recovery
programs and centers aim to educate the society
so people do not get used to addictions in the
first place.
6Contact details Reflections Recovery Center 185
Palatino Ave., 201 Costa Mesa,CA,92626 ph855-757
-6237 http//www.reflectionsrecovery.com/