Title: Protecting Your Job Site with Construction Security Melbourne
1Protecting Your Job Site with Construction
Security Melbourne
2As a Construction Security Melbourne company,
Auswide Security have dealt with many contractors
and one of the biggest losses they suffer is
stolen equipment and estimates to millions of
dollars annually.
3The reasons that massive gap in numbers occurs is
because that not all thefts are reported to the
police and insurance. Burglars are pursuing
construction sites and their main target is
tools, lumber, copper, scrap metal, and heavy
4Fortunately, there are some simple tips that can
be implemented on job sites to prevent these
losses from taking place and save you time and
money from burglars.
5Put all Equipment and materials away
- By following a simple end of the day by putting
everything away from tools, equipment and
supplies in locked storage by the end of the day
helps to lessen these thefts. By spending some
extra time at the end of the day, you can save
money, in the long run.
6- Utilise a well-designed lock as this will make it
difficult for burglars to break into the storage
and saves you money by avoiding your inventory
from being broken into or stolen.
7Make it Complex
- Another great strategy, we recommend is to have
systems in place to keep criminals from becoming
attracted to your construction site. Install a
strong fence with a solitary entry and exit as
this will secure your boundary.
8Chain link comes highly recommended and one of
the most cost effective fencing to construct a
strengthening device consisting of barbed wire
running across the top however, is not the only
9- Large construction sites in the Melbourne area
have gone as far as constructing strong wooden
fences with razor wire to keep the job site
sheltered. Make sure that all storeroom space and
offices have functional and difficult breaking
locks attached to them.
10Light up the Place
- A well-lit construction site is a powerful
restraint to crooks. The first concern on any
site is office facilities and storage make
certain these areas are well lit up as they are
obvious targets surrounded by high-value items.
For additional protection have lights installed
in remote parts equipped with motion sensors to
scare trespassers off.
11It always feels like somebody is looking over my
- With the changing technology taking place through
video surveillance, and internet improving
dramatically you now have the ability to install
cameras that are solar powered on job sites with
full Wi-Fi coverage.
12- With these cameras, you can stream to central
Construction security Melbourne command centres
monitoring job sites for any suspicious activity.
If there are any concerns these units fire off
alarms and strobe lights or the control centre
could choose to inform the proper authorities
13- With these highly developed systems, a complete
job site can be covered efficiently by having
on-site security.Construction industries are
losing money every time criminals targets a job
site. By following these simple steps, you can
help prevent most offenders from intrusion and
save you the required capital to get the job done
by keeping under budget.