Title: Egg Donor Program in India
1Egg Donation Clinic in India , Egg Donor Clinic
India , Egg Donor in India , Infertility
Treatments in India
2Egg Donor in India Helps Infertile Women to
Become Pregnant
Egg Donor Program at IFC IVF Clinics in India
allows Intended Parents to choose a donor with
the physical and mental characteristics that go
with their own. The eggs from the donor are then
fertilized with the sperm given by the partner or
a donor and moved into either the intended mother
or one of our Surrogate Mothers. In addition,
database of our Egg Donor is among the most
comprehensive in the industry as we confirm our
egg donors credentials, our egg donors
availability each month, and we get rid of those
egg donors that are no longer part of our
program. Sure! Our egg donor database is about
quality- not quantity.
3Who are Candidates to use Donor Eggs?
- Any woman desiring to get pregnant has the option
of pursuing donor eggs. Unluckily, the majority
of women who make use of donor eggs have
considerably lessened egg quality. Women with the
following conditions are the typical candidates
for donor eggs such as - Early menopause or premature ovarian failure
- Very poor egg quality
- History of genetic disease
- Ovaries do not respond to stimulation
- Hormonal imbalance
- Over the age of 40
4Fertility Treatments enhanced with Egg Donors
from India
Contact No 91.22.27810772, 27810773
Email Id info_at_marketreportsonindia.com
5Contact Us India 91
9029304141Email Us medical.wecareindia_at_gmail.com
website http//www.indiahospitaltour.com/ivf/egg