Title: PSYCH 515 Week 6 DQ 3
1PSYCH 515 Week 6 DQ 3 Emotional Intelligence I
once heard about an elementary school that taught
empathy training to reduce bullying. Part of the
training consisted of having the school children
observe a loving mother interact with her infant.
I thought that this was a very creative way of
teaching empathy, as modeling is a very direct
learning method. The training reminded me of
Emotional Intelligence Training, which has
relevance to the prevention and treatment of
childhood and adolescent disorders. This video
features Daniel Goleman, Ph.D., an
internationally renowned psychologist who has
made significant contributions to the field of
Emotional Intelligence. To purchase this material
click on below link http//www.assignmentcloud.com
/PSYCH-515/PSYCH-515-Week-6-DQ-3 For more
details www.assignmentcloud.com