Title: PSYCH 515 Week 4 Individual Critical Issue Analysis
1PSYCH 515 Week 4 Individual Critical Issue
Analysis Select one of the following critical
issues located in the Taking Sides text Issue 2
Should Individuals with Anorexia Nervosa Have the
Right to Refuse Life-Sustaining Treatment? Issue
6 Should All Uses of MDMA (Ecstasy) Be
Prohibited? Issue 7 Should Abstinence Be the
Goal for Treating People with Alcohol
Problems? Analyze your selected critical issue
by using the Critical Issue Analysis template.
Answer the questions directly upon the Critical
Issue Analysis Template, and include an APA
formatted Title Page, in-text reference
citations, and a Reference List. As part of your
analysis, evaluate contemporary research
associated with your selected critical issue. For
question 7, it is highly recommended that you
conduct a research review using scholarly
research from sources external to the critical
issue analysis article. Review the Tips and
Grading Rubric for this assignment. Click the
Assignment Files tab to submit your
assignment. To purchase this material click on
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