Title: How to reset Windows 7 password easily
1How to reset Windows 7 password easily
- Top 3 methods of resetting Windows 7 password
2Once you lost or forgotten your Windows password,
then you can't login your computer. In that
condition, what will you do? There are top 3
methods provide for you to reset forgotten 7
Windows password.
3Top1 Guess your password as the information you
- Such as some special days, numbers or
impression things.
4Top2 Reset your Windows password without any
- Youll want to type in the following command to
backup the original sticky keys filecopy
c\windows\system32\sethc.exe c\. - In this method, you shoule know some professional
knowledge about computer program. It is too
complex for me to understand. So I don't
recommended this method.
5Top3 Use professional tool to reset Windows 7
- The fastest and easiest tool for me to reset my
Windows 7 password successfully - Windows
Password Key.First Download and install the
software on another computer.Second Use a usb
or CD/DVD to copy this software.Third Insert
the newly created usb or CD/DVD to the PC that
you forget it's password.End Follow the steps
to reset your Windows 7 password.
6Windows Password Key
- The most professional tool of Windows password
7Follow the several methods above. You can reset
your Windows password easily. If you want to
learn more about Windows Password Key, you can
click that link. http//www.lostwindowspassword.co