Title: Applying the 80/20 Principle
1Applying The 80/20 Principle
Ginger Bratzel, DDS Your New Patient Attraction
2Im sure youve heard of the 80/20 Principle. It
basically says 80 of your results comes from 20
of your efforts.
3It can apply to every aspect of your
life Especially when it comes to your dental
4Ive even heard a statistic about molar endo
80 of your teeth are 20mm length, so thats
why we have 21 mm files.
5I often find dentists are wasting a lot of their
time and energy on the wrong percentage of things
in the office.
6Dont focus your attention and energy on the 20
of the practice that causes the most headaches or
a small minority of patients that are making your
team miserable.
7Let me explain --- You have a group of patients
who you havent seen in over 2 years
8BUT - I want you to step back a second and think
abut the amount of time and effort it would take
to produce the results you are hoping for.
Your initial reaction is probably, Oh gosh, I
need to get ahold of them ASAP and get them in!
9To be frank they have most likely moved
on and so should you.
10Instead, Focus your re-care efforts on patients
who are only slightly past due. They still
remember you and therefore more likely to come in.
11By shifting your focus to the more important 20
you get greater results from less efforts.
Giving you more bang for your buck, with less
stress and greater results.
12See full video on how the 80/20 Principle applies
to your practice at
13For more information on Attracting more
patients, Creating sustainable growth And
increasing your production. Head over to
GingerBratzel.com today! Contact us at
Results_at_GingerBratzel.com or Call 405-225-0254
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Ginger Bratzel, DDS Your New Patient Attraction