Title: Preventing Rodent Infestation
1Preventing Rodent Infestation
2The prevention of rodent infestation is necessary
to avoid a potential plague or murine endemic.
Mice Control, Los Angeles provides effective
measures for the prevention and extermination of
3- Mice Extermination, Los Angeles
- It is important to identify
- Species
- Location
- Condition of the infestation, since each
situation is to be dealt with differently.
4- Indoors
- Snap traps are the preferable choice.
- Poison bait can be used to kill rodents in hard
to reach places. However, this may cause odors
and additional pests.
5- Outdoors
- Always use approved baits, and make all adjacent
surfaces and structures rodent-proof in advance. - Make sure that the use of poisons and baits does
not harm any natural predators (owls, hawks, etc)
or the natural environment. - The control of rodent fleas before trapping or
baiting the rodent is very important, since they
will find another host to feed on once the rodent
is dead. - Always read the instructions on the labels of any
pesticides or poison baits that you intend to
use. - Dispose of the dead rodents and used traps
carefully. - Keep pesticides, baits, and traps out of the
reach of children to prevent any unprecedented
6General Safety Guidelines Avoid direct contact
with live rodents. Wear latex, rubber, nitride,
or vinyl gloves before handling rodents or
pesticides. Wear a dust mask to protect your
eyes and face from aerosols and other
particles. Use disinfectants on all infected or
infested surfaces. Make sure all garbage cans
have a tight-fitted lid.
7 Rodents Stop 7647 Hayvenhurst Ave 43 Van Nuys,
California, 91406,USA PH 818 583 7287