Title: Heather Shoemaker Wyoming _Civil law Expert (1)
1Heather ShoemakerCivil Law Expert
Attorney Heather Shoemaker of Wyoming is an
experienced law professional that is based out of
the city of Cheyenne. She has been actively
practicing in the field for over a decade. She is
a graduate of the University of Wyoming College
of Law, where she received her law degree in
early 2004. From there she applied for the
states bar exam, an achievement that was made
that same year. From that point she started to
practice immediately when she became an Associate
at the Law Offices of Vernon Dill. It wasnt long
before she determined that her path would be a
practice in criminal and civil law.
2Heather Shoemaker Wyoming Criminal Law Expert
Heather Shoemaker of Wyoming is an experienced
criminal attorney that is based out of the city
of Cheyenne, Wyoming. Shoemaker is a specialist
in the fields of both criminal and civil rights
These are extremely quickly evolving and laws,
procedures and rulings are thus changing all the
time. Being in these fields are challenging
fields to be in and require a lot of attention
and dedication to be successful at it. Shoemaker
has enjoyed success in this field for over ten
years and counting. Shoemaker is a graduate of
the University of Wyoming, where she received her
law degree in 2004.
She quickly gained her license to practice by
passing the Wyoming Bar exam. She went into the
industry immediately, and after a couple of
years, she started her own law practice in 2007.
She is not only a star lawyer, she is a loving
wife and mother to three young children.
3Heather Shoemaker Wyoming Outdoor Living
Heather Shoemaker of Wyoming is an attorney that
has a thriving practice based out of the city of
Cheyenne. She is married with three young
children and being based in one of the most
beautiful states in the union, they get out to
enjoy the great outdoors every chance they get.
The great thing about Cheyenne and the areas that
are within driving reach is that there is no
shortage of different types of activities to
partake in. For example, one of the familys
favorite activities is canoeing.
4Stress Free Through Activity
Heather Shoemaker of Wyoming is an attorney that
is in a high pressure, high demand field of law.
Based in Cheyenne, she works many cases that are
tough, trying and complicated around the calendar
year. This of course means a lot of stress, but
its something she has lived with all of her
career for the last ten years.
Shoemaker has found that dealing with that
pressure and stress can be a challenge, but she
has found that she can rely on her family to help
with it. With the help of her husband, she makes
sure to always be involved with the childrens
school activities and homework. She also makes
sure to always be involved and plan activities
for her family.
5Thank You