Title: Detail Cleaning Services Los Angeles (1)
1Detail Cleaning Services Los Angeles
2Are you planning a special event at your
backyard? Like a birthday party for your child or
an anniversary? If that is the case, we highly
recommend you to clean up your property and do
detailing. If you have a hillside that needs a
little trimming, we are there for your help. We
provide detail cleaning service LA, we are just a
phone call away.
3Some of our services include
Clean Up Work yards usually require a clean up
when the previous services provided to them were
insufficient or the house owners were away from
the property for a while. Clean up usually have 3
to 4 men working at the same time on the
property. Doing regular maintenance is not the
same as clean ups, because the trimmings needs
to be done each week. Let us provide you with the
best of the results.
4Yard Detailing yard detailing goes
simultaneously with the cleanup process. It has
to be done as the house owner wants it to be. It
may include separating the plant that grew into
each other, weeding, pruning plants, hedging, and
trees to a desired new look.
5Hill Side Clean Up to prevent wild fire, it is
crucial for everyone to clean up their hillsides
regularly. We can help you with that, as our team
of expertise have been doing this for years. We
will not give you a chance to complain.
6Contact details
Construction clean up Nancie Brown Associates,
Inc P.O. Box 1432 Culver City ,CA 90232 pho-310-8
37-7880 http//www.constructioncleanup.com/