Title: Multimedia and Animation Courses
1 Animation and Multimedia Courses Jalandhar
Animationbugs is a renowned animation and
multimedia course institute in the Jalandhar.
Animation Bugs is a part of Dream Weavers (DW),
it is a group of hard core professionals having
expertise in Recruitments, Education, Training,
Business Systems, Real Estate and Travel
Services. With aggressive marketing and efficient
operations the group has forayed in the top ten
positions in most of the above services in North
India. With 9 years of experience in client
servicing, the Dream Weavers Group has now
strategically positioned itself across various
industries in 16 states across North and West
2 Now a days animation industry is booming like
anything in India and across the globe. The
potential platforms for animation include film
industry, gaming and cartoon, advertisement,
architecture and interior design, product design
and also in the field of education. In our high-
tech multimedia and animation institute students
can learn this art with latest software and
enhance their skills, thereby creating a splendid
futuristic opportunity for themselves. Advantages
of Animation Explain, Educate, Entertain - With
the help of animated cartoons and pictures, you
can present your message and information to your
audience in the form of something enjoyable and
memorable you will leave a lasting impression
and form a stronger relationship, making them
more likely to respond. Save Time - People are
more likely to watch a video than read a lengthy
document or website. An animation will not only
save your audience time but also make sure your
message gets across. Animated Video Powerful
Marketing Tool - When it comes to online
marketing, video is as indispensable as business
cards, a website or
3 brochure. Its an extension to your brand and
communicates the style and values of your
organization far better than words alone. Video
sells. Animation Bugs Offering Various of
Courses ? Game Design Courses Jalandhar, ? 3D
Multimedia and Animation Courses ? Animation
Film Making Courses Jalandhar ? 3D Max Training
Course ? Graphic Design Course ? M.Sc
Advertisement Journalism PTU ? B.Sc
Advertisement Journalism PTU ? B.Sc in 3D
Animation ? M.Sc in 3D Animation ? And many
more. Animation is widely used in the field of
entertainment and film industry. Not only this,
animation is regarded as a part of the creative
or content industry as artistic or creative
effort is essential to the process of developing
animation. So animation is a versatile field. Go
for it and you will open a variety of options
for yourself.
4 Reasons Why Animation is a Powerful
Marketing Tool ? Practical With no physical
boundaries, animation can show scenes that a
camera cannot shoot. ? Cost Effective
Animating a car crash is a lot cheaper than
physically wrecking two vehicles! ? Share
Ability Our 2D animated Game on campaign
proved that education CAN be fun!
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