- Sal Taddeo is a man who likes to give back into
his community. Currently, hes looking to find a
new and unique way to give back to his community.
Bon Jovis Soul Kitchen may just be what is
looking for. The restaurant allows customers to
enjoy their meal and pay only a donation. For
those who do not have the money, they accept
donations of work, allowing families to work off
their payment for dinner Sal Taddeo is looking to
volunteer his time to cook so that others
families can receive free meals.
2Looking to Donate
Sal Taddeo has a heart of gold. Growing up in
Brooklyn, Taddeos parents taught him to be a
part of the community he lives and to make a
difference in any way he can. Today, Taddeo does
just that. The family man enjoys time with his
loved ones and is currently interested in finding
an orphanage to donate his time and money to. It
breaks his heart that children do not have a
family like he did growing up.
President of Salangi Enterprises LLC.
There is no one that can say Sal Taddeo is not a
hard worker. The gentleman with a heart of gold
puts all he can into every business he works
with, and he works with quite a few. Currently,
Sal Taddeo sits as the President CEO of Salangi
Enterprises LLC. The company operates as a
consulting service around the world.
3President of Sallee Figs
Sal Taddeo was taught by his parents at a young
age to always work hard. Being a family man with
a heart of gold, Taddeo teaches his children the
same through leading by example. Sal Taddeo is
currently the President CEO of two companies,
one of which is Sallee Figs LLC , which grows and
sells rare exotic fig trees.
New Jersey Realtor
Sal Taddeo is a man of many talents. The family
man with a heart of gold can do anything he sets
his mind to. He has an entrepreneurial spirit
about him that makes him constantly want to make
a business better and learn all he can about an
industry. With his can-do attitude, Sal Taddeo
successfully earned his New Jersey real estate
4French Culinary Institute
Sal Taddeo loves his family. If there is one
thing he loves to do for his family, it is to
cook. Sal Taddeo is quite the commander of the
kitchen and can cook up a fantastic meal. His
family loves it when he creates something new to
enjoy. Sal Taddeo learned to cook with his family
when he was young and later from the French
Culinary Institute..
Merchant Processing
There is seems to be nothing Sal Taddeo cannot
do. The jack of all trades is unstoppable at
achieving a new task once he sets his mind to it.
He is the President and CEO of multiple
companies, as well as the director of sales for
one of the largest heating oil companies in New
York. On top of his already numerous positions,
Sal Taddeo is also a Merchant Processing
5Thank You..!