Title: Acrylic: Properties and Uses
1Acrylic Properties And Uses
2Acrylic is a common and versatile man-made
material with a variety of industrial and
personal uses.
3What is it exactly?
Acrylic is basically a man-made plastic that is
formed through the derivatives of acrylic acid.
4What is it used for?
Clear acrylic can be used as a substitute for
glass, where glass is not an appropriate
5Positives Points about Acrylic
Acrylic is a good weather-proof material, with
high clarity, and good UV resistance.
6Its benefits over glass are that it is
lightweight, flexible and less dangerous if
broken an excellent substitute for windows,
7Negatives points about Acrylic
Unfortunately, acrylic tends to scratch easily,
and can crack at weak points. Do not use window
cleaning products, window sprays, scouring pads,
acetone or thinners.
8 To find out more information on acrylic dome
and hemispheres, then you can try at
hemisphericals.co.uk website where you can see
lots of products.
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