Title: Order Pregtest card online from Abortionpillrx.com
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2About Pregtest Card
The hCG Urine Pregnancy Test Strip is a test kit
for the determination of hCG (Human Chorionic
Gonadotropin) in urine specimens. This test kit
is used to obtain a visual, qualitative result
for the early detection of pregnancy.
3When Is The Best Time To Take Pregnancy Test?
- Pregnancy test kits are designed to detect
levels of hCG produced by your body if you are
pregnant. - Your body may be delivering hCG before your
period is expected, however it is perfect to test
on the first day of your missed period. - If you were to test sooner than the first day of
your missed period, the result may be inaccurate. - It may demonstrate a negative result if your hCG
levels are not yet sufficiently high to recognize
the pregnancy, or it may demonstrate a positive
result and not form into a true pregnancy due to
the incidence of spontaneous abortions, which can
happen before your period is expected.
4How Long Should The Pregnancy Test Take To Work?
- The test result should be read from 5 minutes
and no later than 10 minutes. If any lines do
appear after 10 minutes, it is still a negative
result and must be neglected. - If you read the test sooner than 5 minutes, it
may also be incorrect as it has not had enough
time to work.
5Storage and Stability of Pregtest Card
- The pregnancy test kits can be stored at room
temperature (18 to 30C) in the sealed pouch to
the date of expiration. - The test kits should be kept away from direct
sunlight, moisture and heat. - Do not use test kit beyond expiration date.
- The test device should not be reused.