Title: Probe repair laboratories
International callers 61 417 884
446 www.probelogic.com.au
2 Phone1300 611 503 International callers 61
417 884 446 www.probelabs.com www.probelogic.com.a
Replacing probes for your ultrasound fleet cost
thousands of dollars each year. Reduce your costs
by repairing "in house Our smart speed
equipment allows you to have the latest
technology to repair ultrasound probes. Our
experience will make the setup easy. Phone1300
611 503 International callers 61 417 884 446
3 Phone1300 611 503 International callers 61
417 884 446 www.probelabs.com www.probelogic.com.a
Probe Lab Layouts We will provide you with the
best "workflow" layout to suit the space you
have. You provide us with detailed drawings of
the area you have available and we will provide
3d sketches of suggested layouts. Our layout
will help you maximize your probe lab's
efficiency by getting the workflow correct from
the beginning.
4 Phone1300 611 503 International callers 61
417 884 446 www.probelabs.com www.probelogic.com.a
List of Tools There is no guesswork with your
Probe Lab. You will be supplied with a detailed
list, including pictures where applicable, of all
the tools required.
5 Phone1300 611 503 International callers 61
417 884 446 www.probelabs.com www.probelogic.com.a
List of Chemicals Supplies You will be
supplied with a detailed list, including pictures
where applicable, of all the specialized
chemicals and general supplies required.
6 Phone1300 611 503 International callers 61
417 884 446 www.probelabs.com www.probelogic.com.a
7Visit Us Phone1300 611 503 International
callers 61 417 884 446 www.probelogic.com.au