Title: Rhinoplasty Surgeons Sydney
1 Rhinoplasty Surgeon
Dr. Michael Zacharia Best Rhinoplasty Surgeon
in Sydney
Dr. Michael Zacharia Level 1 / 21 Spring
Street Bondi Junction, NSW 2022 Phone No. (02)
8305 2506
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3 Nose Surgery (Rhinoplasty)
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5About the Procedure
Rhinoplasty procedure duration can last up to
two-to-three hours, depending on complexity.
There are two main techniques used in Rhinoplasty
the closed and open techniques. Dr. Zacharia
uses the closed techniques in over 90 of cases.
6 Indications
- Some of the indicationc for Rhinoplasty
- Decreasing the overall size of the nose
- Improving breathing through the nose
- Repairing birth defects
- Shortening the nose
- Removing the bump on the bridge
- Improving the transition between the nose and the
upper lip - Restoring the height of the bridge following
injury or previous surgery
7Types of Rhinoplasty Surgery
- Reduction Rhinoplasty - Rhinoplasty is a
surgical procedure designed to repair both form
and function of a nose. - Closed Rhinoplasty - The surgery recontours the
nose by making incisions of the nose and
repositioning bone or cartilage. - Open Rhinoplasty - The surgery also removes,
shapes and repositions bone and cartiladge of
the nose.
8 Rhinoplasty (Before - After)
9Contact Us
- Visit Indicure for Rhinoplasty at
http//drzacharia.com.au/rhinoplasty -
- Call us at (02) 8305 2506
- Send in us a query at info_at_drzacharia.com.au