Title: Which Teeth Whitening Option is Best for You
1Which Teeth Whitening Option is Best for You?
2One of the easiest ways to improve your personal
appearance is to make your teeth whiter.
3White teeth not only look healthier and more
attractive than do teeth that are yellow
orotherwise discolored
4but having white teeth will encourage you to
smile more, making you more pleasant to be around.
5There has been an explosion of teeth whitening
products in recent years, almost all of which are
heavily marketed, promising amazing results in
very little time witheven less effort.
6While most of these products do work to some
degree, there are some significant differences
between them that are worth knowing.
7Educating yourself on teeth whitening products
will help you pick the one that is best for you.
8Also, cosmetic dentists and even family dentists
can help you decide on the best whitening
solution based on your budget, time constraints,
and the current condition of your teeth.
9Here are the different teeth whitening solutions
available to you.
10Whitening toothpaste
11This is the easiest solution, because it doesn't
require any effort beyond the regular twice-daily
brushing that you (hopefully) already do.
12Brushing your teeth with any kind of toothpaste
whitens your teeth to some degree, as its
abrasive properties help remove surface stains.
13Whitening toothpaste take it a step further by
including additional ingredients, most notably
hydrogen peroxide, which have known whitening
14The downside to using this method exclusively to
whiten your teeth is that it is less effective
and takes longer than other methods, as the
whitening agents are in contact with your teeth
for such a short duration.
15Whitening rinses
16This product is generally used the same way as
regular mouthwash, meaning you swish and gargle
it for 30 to 60 seconds immediately after
17Like whitening toothpastes, its active ingredient
is usually hydrogen peroxide.
18The advantages of using a whitening rinse are as
19The advantages of using a whitening rinse are as
follows? One, it takes very little time and
20The advantages of using a whitening rinse are as
follows? One, it takes very little time and
effort.? Two, it is very inexpensive. And
three, its liquid form enables it to reach a
lot of areas that your toothbrush and toothpaste
21The advantages of using a whitening rinse are as
follows? One, it takes very little time and
effort.? Two, it is very inexpensive. And
three, its liquid form enables it to reach a
lot of areas that your toothbrush and toothpaste
cannot.? Whitening rinses suffer from the same
drawback as whitening toothpaste -- namely, that
it only remains in your mouth and thus in contact
with your teeth for a couple minutes per day.
22At-home whitening strips and trays
23These are purchased at the supermarket and
applied to your teeth daily for anywhere from 15
minutes to an hour or longer.
24The treatment period usually lasts between 7 and
14 days. Whitening strips and trays work by
coating your teeth with a gel-based peroxide
25They are quite a bit more expensive than
toothpastes or rinses, and they require much more
of a dailytime commitment.
26In-office whitening sessions
27This procedure is done in the office of cosmetic
dentists or family dentists and usually takes
between 30 and 60 minutes.
28It involves applying a much more concentrated
solution to your teeth than you can buy over the
counter, and many dentists amplify its effects by
using light and/or heat.
29While having your teeth whitened in-office
usually costs more than any over-the-counter
solution, it is -- without question -- the most
effective method.
30Want whiter teeth? Give Shumway Dental Care and
call and make an appointment to see one of their
Chandler AZ dentists.
31Dr. Andy Shumway and his son Dr. Joel Shumway are
experienced in all types of cosmetic dentistry,
and can tell you the best route to take to get
your teeth up to par.
32Visit the site atwww.mychandlerdentists.com
33Shumway Dental care3150 S Gilbert Rd Suite
1Chandler, AZ 85286(480) 420-7551