Title: Follow-throughs in Taking Care of Your Dentures
1Follow-Throughs in Taking Care of Your Dentures
2Dentures are often associated with the older
population of the society. They are used to
replace missing teeth either caused by decay or
old age. These dentures help the older population
in chewing and speaking properly.
3It also aids in restoring their self confidence
by making them look younger and more attractive.
Dentures are the most common form of restoration
people prefer that is why it is very important to
teach the public especially the older population
on how to take care of them.
4Here are some dental care tips for adults with
51. It is recommended that you brush and rinse
your dentures daily. Like your natural teeth, it
is an imperative to always brush your dentures
after eating. Special denture brush and denture
toothpaste are available to clean your dentures.
6You can also use a regular toothbrush but never
use regular toothpaste because it can be abrasive
for the denture. Instead, you can use a mild hand
soap or dishwashing soap.
7If you fail to brush your dentures after meals,
it is recommended that you rinse them over
running water to remove food debris.
82. You should always handle your dentures with
care. Clean your dentures gently to avoid damage
on the dentures. Always remember to never drop
them to avoid damage.
93. When not in use, dentures should be soaked in
a soaking solution or just simply put it in a
container with water. This is done to keep the
dentures moist and maintain it original shape.
10After soaking, never forget to rinse your
dentures before using them. This is to clean the
dentures of the remaining soaking solution.
114. You should see your dentist regularly to
check on the status of your oral health and the
fitting of your dentures.http//www.theelgindent