Title: Signs That Suggest The Presence of Periodontal Disease
1Signs That Suggest The Presence of Periodontal
2The leading dental problem is gum disease.
Contrary to what many people believe the teeth is
not the only thing they should concern their
selves with because the oral cavity is composed
not only of the teeth.
3The oral cavity is composed of the teeth, the jaw
bone, the soft tissue (the gums, lips, cheeks,
floor of the mouth) and the periodontal fibers -
and health can only be declared when all of these
structures are found at perfect health.
4The teeth, although the main structure of the
mouth, is not the only structure you have to
concern yourself with because the soft tissues
are even weaker than the teeth and therefore more
susceptible to disease.
5Gum Disease develops from a successful bacterial
attack. Some attacks from the bacteria can lead
to tooth decay when disease is allowed to
penetrate into the teeth to infect it heavily.
6Once the bacteria spreads to the teeth, the
tissues degrade and deteriorate infecting deeper
into the teeth and mouth. Some attacks from the
bacteria may proceed to cause gum disease.
7Gum infection may initially occur as Gingivitis,
but it can progress into a more serious condition
that is referred to as Periodontal Disease.
8Periodontal Disease is an unfortunate gum
condition that may lead to tooth loss and if you
value your teeth and your smile, you will make an
effort to combat Periodontal Disease. Ones best
chance against disease is to prevent it but
since this cannot be guaranteed, early treatment
is your next ticket out.
9The following are some of the significant signs
of periodontal disease that you ought to look out
for keep your eyes open for these symptoms, so
you that you can protect yourself from disease
10- Look at the condition of the gum tissue. At
health, the gums are supposed to be of a coral
pink color and should appear to have stipplings
like an orange peal on its surface.
11It should maintain a firm attachment with the
bone with a knife-edge appearance to suggest
perfect health condition of the gum tissue.
12When gum disease ensues the infection all these
healthy characteristics may not be present
anymore and you will find the gums to be reddish
and bleeding, and may even present with some pus
formation to indicate severity of infection.
13Severe gum infection will almost automatically
mean loss of attachment, so that the bone and the
roots will be exposed, further compromising oral
14- Identify the health of the underlying bone
tissue. The main thing that differentiates
Gingivitis with Periodontitis is bone
involvement. When the infection spreads further,
it will spread from the soft tissue into the bone
and there will be significant bone loss.
15Often, earlier stages of bone loss is only
confirmed with a radiograph but when the
condition is more severe, the clinical appearance
of the mouth will be evidence enough. In other
words, bone loss is more pronounced and easily
16- Gauge the stability of the tooth within the
socket. When bone is lost, the tooth loses
support and attachment so its stability is
compromised. Mobility will be a likely
consequence and may be manifested in varying
degrees, depending on the nature and severity of
bone loss.
17Periodontal Disease is progressive gum disease
that may lead to tooth loss and the unfortunate
degradation of oral health. If the problem is not
detected early and not given proper resolution
when help is still effective, you may not ever
find freedom from Periodontal Disease.
18Being aware of the signs of Periodontal Disease
will give you a fair chance to help your teeth
survive so that you can preserve your smile.