Title: Tents On Sale- Pole Tents
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Pole Tent Definition
A tent that features a set of individual poles
arranged beneath the fabric roof to support and
define the shape of the structure. The fabric
roof is tensioned over the poles and attached to
ropes and/or cables at designated spots around
the fabric's edges.
3Pole type tents are extremely portable making
them an ideal choice for those who have need of a
party tent but have limited means of transporting
their tent. You can even fit all the components
of a 60x90 pole type tent in a standard 3/4 ton
pickup bed.
4Traditional pole type tents are the most popular
style of tent for all sorts of uses from party
tent rentals to disaster relief tents and revival
5When you buy a "Complete set" for a pole tent
this includes the tent top, tent sidewalls,
Galvanized side poles, center poles, (quarter
poles if needed) tent stakes, and a storage bag
for the tent top. Standard tent tops are complete
with all "Guy" ropes attached. Ratchet straps for
your party tent can be purchased individually.
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