Title: Disallowed Acts For a Licensed Gun Holder
1Disallowed acts for a licensed gun holder
2 When a person qualifies for a gun license, he
or she cannot use it any way they want. There are
certain rules in using them and certain
restrictions. Here we discuss some restricted
acts or disallowed acts for a licensed gun
3Criminally making use or possessing a dangerous
weapon. Eg Mugging
4Carrying an inoperable, or simulated firearm.
5Misusing a firearm. Eg For personal vengeance.
6Pulling out a gun without proper reason.
7Aggravating a shooting occurrence without any
proper cause.
8Using a firearm while drunk or on drugs.
9Using a firearm of a unusual purpose than that
for which a firearm permit has been issued. Eg
10 EASYFOID.COM is an online website, where you
can apply for a FOID card. FOID card is a license
card for possessing guns and ammunition in the
State of Illinois. EASYFOID.COM is the most
convenient and cost effective way to apply for
your FOID card.