Title: Lenten Reconciliation
1Lenten Reconciliation
- Christ invites us to respond to evil, first of
all, with a serious examination of conscience and
the commitment to purify our lives. We, as
Catholics, should encourage and participate in
the frequent reception of the sacrament of
penance especially during the season of Lent.
2As an example, following a practice promoted by
the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
beginning in 2013, the Archdiocese of Hartford is
offering weekly confessions to help prepare the
faithful for the celebration of Easter. Beginning
Feb. 23, on each Monday in Lent, parishes
throughout the diocese will have priests
available for confession from 6 to 7 p.m. For
more information on the dioceses program, visit
www.archdioceseofhartford.org. Information is
also available at www.light4you.info, a diocesan
sponsored site that provides resources on
reception of the sacrament. This is a practice
that other parishes may wish to follow. To
further assist members, their families and other
Catholics in receiving the sacrament of
reconciliation, the Knights of Columbus Supreme
Council offers A Guide to Confession (2075).
This short pamphlet, written by Supreme Chaplain
Archbishop William Lori of the Archdiocese of
Baltimore, provides a concise description of the
sacrament and offers preparatory steps to
receiving reconciliation.
3The Knights of Columbus Catholic Information
Service also offers the Luke E. Hart Series
booklet Penance (115). This booklet provides
details on the Churchs understanding of sin and
the sacrament of penance, and is available to
read online. Additional copies may be ordered
through the Catholic Information Service at
kofc.org/cis. Article Source -