Title: Copper Bank Inn Company Profile
1Copper Bank Inn Company Profile
- Copper Bank Inn offers travelers a comfortable,
enjoyable, and restful stay in Copper Bank,
Belize which is near the town of Corozal. Clean
rooms and western style amenities make the Copper
Bank Inn a desirable quite travel destination,
Built in 2004.
3Our Services
- Featured amenities include
- Comfortable rooms with queen sized beds
- Restaurant/Bar
- Internet access
- Air conditioning in all rooms
- Satellite television
- Offer shuttle services to the International
Airport in Belize City.
4We Cater To
- Relaxing
- Education Trips for Schools
- Meetings for groups
- Missionary Groups
- Bird watching Groups
- Fishing
- Environmental Groups
- Dart boards
5Copper Bank Inn Rates
- Room Rates
- High Season Rates
- December 1 through July 31 65.00 USD/130.00
Belizean Currency 9 Room Tax - Off Season Rates
- August 1 through Nov 30 50.00 USD/100 Belizean
Currency 9 Room Tax
6- Round Trip Day Trips from the Copper Bank Inn
- Combine Cave tubing, Zip Lining and the Belize
Zoo in one fun filled day. - Cost of tickets for each
- Cave tubing - 30.00 USD per person
- Zip Lining - 55.00 USD per person
- Entrance for Belize Zoo - 10.00 USD per person
7Copper Bank Inn Gallery
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10We appreciate and thank you for going through our
company profile, let Copper Bank Inn know how
they can help you. If there are any questions or
feedbacks, please contact us! We Thank You!
Contact Us Address Copper Bank, Corozal,
District Belize, Central America Phone From
US to Belize 334-246-0876 From USA to Belize
678-224-7110 Belize Local 662 5281 Copper Bank
Inn Direct 011-501-662-5281 Email
cbi99_at_hotmail.com Website http//www.copperba