Title: K2 The 2nd Tallest Mountain By Iman Hussain
1K2 The Worlds Second Tallest Mountain
2K2 Mountain in Asia (Pakistan) K2, also known
as Chhogori/Qogir, Ketu/Kechu, and Mount
Godwin-Austen, is the second highest mountain in
the world at 8,611 metres, after Mount Everest.
Height 8,611 m First ascent July 31,
1954 Prominence 4,017 m Mountain range
Himalayas, Karakoram First ascenders Lino
Lacedelli, Achille Compagnoni
3Weather on K2 is almost always bad. Freezing
storms and high winds make it dangerous.
4- Here are some interesting facts about the
mountain known as K2
5- 1. K2 is the worlds second tallest mountain
reaching 28,253 ft. (8,612 m) above sea level,
and is the worlds twenty-second most prominent
mountain, rising 13,179 ft. (4,017 m) above the
surrounding terrain. - 2. K2 was the name given the mountain in 1852
by the British surveyor T.G. Montgomerie as part
of the Great Trigonometric Survey, which
stretched throughout most of the 19th century and
during which the British Empire demarcated its
territories in India. The K denotes the
mountain range Karakoram and the 2 denotes that
it is the second peak recorded.
6- 3. The mountain is known by a variety of other
names, including the Chinese Qogir (Great
Mountain), and the Balti a Tibetan language
spoken in the area of Pakistan to the to the West
of the peak Chogori (Large Mountain) and Kechu
(no literal translation). The peak is also
sometimes referred to as Mount Godwin-Austen
after Henry Godwin-Austen, an early explorer of
the area. - 4. The peak is located on the border that
separates the Gilgit-Baltistan region in northern
Pakistan and the Taxkorgan Tajik Autonomous
County of Xinjiang, China.
7- 5. K2 has also been nicknamed The Savage
Mountain because of the extreme level of danger
it poses to climbers. - 6. Though Everest is taller by nearly 800 ft., K2
is significantly more dangerous. While Everest
has a fatality rate of approximately 5 for
year-round climbs, K2 has a fatality rate of
about 25, meaning that one out of every four
climbers to attempt the summit have perished.
Additionally, K2 has never been climbed during
the winter. Because of the extremely harsh
weather on the mountain, the likelihood of
fatality on a winter climb would presumably be
significantly greater than the current 1 in 4. - 7. In addition to its hazardous conditions,
another factor contributes to K2s difficulty
Its more prominent than Everest, meaning that
the journey from foot to peak is actually
8- 8. The first serious attempt to summit K2 was led
by Aleister Crowley and Oscar Eckenstein of Great
Britain in 1902. After a 14-day trek to reach the
foot of K2, the party spent the next 68 days on
the mountain, making 5 attempts to scale it via
the Northeast Ridge. During those two months, the
group had only 8 days of clear weather, and
eventually discontinued their attempts before any
casualties were sustained. The highest point the
expedition reached was 21,407 ft. (6,525 m). - 9. The second attempt to climb K2 was led by
Luigi Amedeo, Duke of Abruzzi, Italy in 1909. His
party was the first to attempt the Southeast Spur
now know as the Abruzzi Spur but turned back
after reaching an altitude of 20,505 ft. (6,250
m) above sea-level. After failed attempts to
realize an alternate route via the West Ridge or
Northeast Ridge, Abruzzi declared that K2 would
never be submitted. Ironically, the Abruzzi Spur
is now the most common route to K2s peak.
9- 10. The first successful climb of K2 was led by
Italian Ardito Desio in July of 1954, though only
two members of the team Lino Lacedelli and
Achille Compagnoni actually reached the summit. - Thank You