Title: Systems Endocrinology: Successful Examples of Translational Medicine
2Conflict of Interest Patent application System
and method for deriving parameters for
homeostatic feedback control of an individual
by S. L. Goede, J. W. Dietrich and Melvin K. S.
Leow (ASTAR), WO/2014/088516, PCT/SG2013/000515
3Gerhard Mercator (1512 1594)
4Gerhard Mercator (1512 1594)
5(No Transcript)
6Mercator Projection
7Hammer-Aitov Projection
8Goode homolosine Projection
9(No Transcript)
10Metabolic Maps
G. Michal (1965, 1999, 2012, 2014) Biochemical
11Metabolic Maps
G. Michal (1965, 1999, 2012, 2014) Biochemical
12Processing Structures
Mittelstaedt H. Triple-loop model of path control
by head direction and place cells. Biological
Cybernetics. 2000 Sep83(3)261-70. PMID 11007300.
13Correlation Networks
Giebelstein J et al.. The proteomic signature of
insulin-resistant human skeletal muscle reveals
increased glycolytic and decreased mitochondrial
enzymes. Diabetologia. 2012 Apr55(4)1114-27.
doi 10.1007/s00125-012-2456-x. PMID 22282162.
14Interaction Networks
15Metabolic Flux Analysis
16The Concept of Homeostasis
La fixité du milieu intérieur est la condition de
la vie libre, indépendante.
Claude Bernard (1813 1878)
The coordinated physiological processes which
maintain most of the steady states in the
organism are so complex and so peculiar to
living beings that I have suggested a special
designation for these states, homeostasis.
It means a condition--a condition which may
vary, but which is relatively constant.
Walter B. Cannon (1871 1945)
17The Concept of Homeostasis
Regelungstechnik. Die technische Aufgabe und ihre
wirtschaftliche, sozialpolitische und
kulturpolitische Auswirkung.
Hermann Schmidt (1894 1968)
Cerebral Inhibition Meeting 1942 Macy-Conferences
1946 1953
Cybernetics Group and Norbert Wiener
18Homeostasis in Endocrinology
Moore, C.R. Price, D. (1930) The question of
sex hormone antagonism. Proceedings of the
Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine ,
28, 3840. Moore, C.R. Price, D. (1932)
Gonadal hormone functions, and the reciprocal
influence between gonads and hypophysis with its
bearing on the problem of sex hormone antagonism.
American Journal of Anatomy, 50, 1367.
19Homeostasis in Endocrinology
Hohlweg, W. Junkmann, K. (1932) Die
hormonal-nervöse Regulierung des
Hypophysenvorderlappens. Klinische Wochenschrift,
11, 321323
20Discovery of Thyroid Homeostasis
Roy Graham Hoskins (18801964)
Edwin Bennett Astwood (19091976)
E. B. Astwood (1936) Treatment of Hyperthyroidism
with Thiourea and Thiouracil. JAMA 1222 7881
21Discovery of Thyroid Homeostasis
Roy Graham Hoskins (18801964)
Edwin Bennett Astwood (19091976)
R. G. Hoskins (1949) The Thyroid-Pituitary
Apparatus as a Servo (Feed-Back) Mechanism. JCEM
9 142931
22Publications with PubMed search term "pituitary
AND thyroid AND (feedback OR homeostasis)"
23Early models
24Early models
25Early models
26Early models
27Early models
28Modelling Techniques
Building Bricks for Parametrically Isomorphic
Elimination and Distribution
Non-competitive Inhibition
Michaelis-Menten Kinetics
Plasma Protein Binding
29Modelling Techniques
Building Bricks for Parametrically Isomorphic
Elimination and Distribution
Non-competitive Inhibition
Michaelis-Menten Kinetics
Plasma Protein Binding
30Modelling Techniques
Building Bricks for Parametrically Isomorphic
Elimination and Distribution
Non-competitive Inhibition
Michaelis-Menten Kinetics
Plasma Protein Binding
31Modelling Techniques
Building Bricks for Parametrically Isomorphic
Elimination and Distribution
Non-competitive Inhibition
Michaelis-Menten Kinetics
Plasma Protein Binding
32Modelling Techniques
Building Bricks for Parametrically Isomorphic
Elimination and Distribution
Non-competitive Inhibition
Michaelis-Menten Kinetics
Plasma Protein Binding
33Modelling Techniques
Building Bricks for Parametrically Isomorphic
Elimination and Distribution
Non-competitive Inhibition
Michaelis-Menten Kinetics
Plasma Protein Binding
34MiMe-NoCoDI Platform
For k parallel loops
Interative equation
Equifinal solution
Dietrich JW, Boehm, BO (2006) Equilibrium
behaviour of feedback-coupled physiological
saturation kinetics. Cybernetics and Systems
2006. 269-74. DOI 10.13140/2.1.2400.2568
35MiMe-NoCoDI Platform
Dietrich JW, Boehm, BO (2006) Equilibrium
behaviour of feedback-coupled physiological
saturation kinetics. Cybernetics and Systems
2006. 269-74. DOI 10.13140/2.1.2400.2568
36MiMe-NoCoDI Thyroid Model
Midgley, Hoermann,, Larisch and Dietrich (2013)
Physiological states and functional relation
between thyrotropin and free thyroxine in thyroid
health and disease in vivo and in silico data
suggest a hierarchical model Journal of Clinical
Pathology 664 33542
37MiMe-NoCoDI Thyroid Model
Midgley, Hoermann,, Larisch and Dietrich (2013)
Physiological states and functional relation
between thyrotropin and free thyroxine in thyroid
health and disease in vivo and in silico data
suggest a hierarchical model Journal of Clinical
Pathology 664 33542
38MiMe-NoCoDI Model
Dietrich JW, Landgrafe G, Fotiadou EH. TSH and
Thyrotropic Agonists Key Actors in Thyroid
Homeostasis. J Thyroid Res. 20122012351864.
doi 10.1155/2012/351864. PMID 23365787
39MiMe-NoCoDI Model
Dietrich JW, Landgrafe G, Fotiadou EH. TSH and
Thyrotropic Agonists Key Actors in Thyroid
Homeostasis. J Thyroid Res. 20122012351864.
doi 10.1155/2012/351864. PMID 23365787
40MiMe-NoCoDI Model
Dietrich JW, Landgrafe G, Fotiadou EH. TSH and
Thyrotropic Agonists Key Actors in Thyroid
Homeostasis. J Thyroid Res. 20122012351864.
doi 10.1155/2012/351864. PMID 23365787
41Pulsatile TSH Secretion
Greenspan SL, Klibanski A, Schoenfeld D, Ridgway
EC. Pulsatile secretion of thyrotropin in man. J
Clin Endocrinol Metab. 1986 Sep63(3)661-8.
PMID 3734036.
42Pulsatile TSH Secretion
J. W. Dietrich, A. Tesche, C. R. Pickardt, and U.
Mitzdorf, Thyrotropic feedback control evidence
for an additional ultrashort feedback loop from
fractal analysis, Cybernetics and Systems, vol.
35, no. 4, pp. 315331, 2004.
43T3 Dissociation
Hoermann, Midgley, Larisch and Dietrich, Is
Pituitary TSH and adequate measure of thyroid
hormone-controlled homeostasis during thyroxine
treatment? EJE 2013 168 27180
Dietrich, J. W., G. Landgrafe, E. H. Fotiadou
(2012). TSH and thyrotropic agonists Key actors
in thyroid homeostasis. Journal of Thyroid
Research, vol. 2012, Article ID 351864, 29
pages, 2012. doi10.1155/2012/351864
45(No Transcript)
46A Non-linear Model
Midgley, Hoermann,, Larisch and Dietrich (2013)
Physiological states and functional relation
between thyrotropin and free thyroxine in thyroid
health and disease in vivo and in silico data
suggest a hierarchical model Journal of Clinical
Pathology 664 33542
47Thyroids Secretory Capacity
Dietrich JW, Stachon A, Antic B, Klein HH, Hering
S. The AQUA-FONTIS studyprotocol of a
multidisciplinary, cross-sectional and
prospective longitudinalstudy for developing
standardized diagnostics and classification of
non-thyroidalillness syndrome. BMC Endocr Disord.
2008 Oct 13813. doi10.1186/1472-6823-8-13.
PMID 18851740
- 94 Patients
- Inclusion criteria
- ICU treatment 24 hours
- TSH lt 0,5 mIU/l
- Exclusion criteria
- Pregnancy
- Manifest AIDS disease
- Impossibility to distinguish between
hyperthyroidism and NTIS in a - retrospective manner
Jeyabalan et al. unpublished
49Patients Characteristics
Sex 26 female, 68 male 26 female, 68 male
Age 16 92 years, median 67 years 16 92 years, median 67 years
APACHE II 2 31, median 12 2 31, median 12
SAPS II 7 71, median 40 7 71, median 40
Prognosis 12 died 82 survived
CPR 15 resuscitated 79 no CPR
LOSIH 1 159, median 13 1 159, median 13
LOSICU 1 89, median 5 1 89, median 5
Hyperthyroidism 12 with hyperthyroidism 82 with NTIS
Jeyabalan et al. unpublished
p lt 0.05, p lt 0.01, p lt 0.001, p lt
Jeyabalan et al. unpublished
Jeyabalan et al. unpublished
53Diagnostic Utility
Jeyabalan et al. unpublished
Optimal Parameter
55GT 25,56 GD 8,5 TSHI 1,27 sTSHI 2,11
1,418,67 pmol/s 2040 nmol/s 1,34,1 22
56GT 25,56 GD 8,5 TSHI 1,27 sTSHI 2,11
1,418,67 pmol/s 2040 nmol/s 1,34,1 22
57GT 25,56 GD 8,5 TSHI 1,27 sTSHI 2,11
1,418,67 pmol/s 2040 nmol/s 1,34,1 22
58The TSH Reference Range War
59The TSH Reference Range War
Andersen S, Pedersen KM, Bruun NH, Laurberg P.
Narrow individual variations in serum T(4) and
T(3) in normal subjects a clue to the
understanding of subclinical thyroid disease. J
Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2002 Mar87(3)1068-72.
PMID 11889165.
60(No Transcript)
61MiMe-Log Model
Goede SL, Leow MK, Smit JW, Klein HH, Dietrich
JW. Hypothalamus-pituitary-thyroid feedback
control implications of mathematical modeling
and consequences for thyrotropin (TSH) and free
thyroxine (FT4) reference ranges. Bull Math Biol.
2014 Jun76(6)1270-87. doi 10.1007/s11538-014-9
955-5. PMID 24789568.
62MiMe-Log Model
Goede SL, Leow MK, Smit JW, Dietrich JW. A novel
minimal mathematical model of the
hypothalamus-pituitary-thyroid axis validated for
individualized clinical applications. Math
Biosci. 2014 Mar2491-7. doi 10.1016/j.mbs.2014.
01.001. PMID 24480737
63MiMe-Log Model
Pre-Surgery TSH (mIU/L) Pre-Surgery FT4 (pmol/L) Setpoint TSH Setpoint FT4 Delta TSH Delta FT4
1 0.23 14.2 1.22 14.7 0.99 0.4
2 1.15 10.3 0.91 11.2 0.24 0.7
3 0.04 10.3 1.09 6.3 1.05 3.1
4 1.42 10.3 4.94 9.3 3.52 0.8
5 1.16 10.3 1.64 12.6 0.48 1.8
6 1.29 11.6 1.63 10.9 0.34 0.5
Mean Mean Mean Mean Mean 1.10 1.22
Cases from NOMOTHETICOS trial (clinicaltrials.gov
64Reconstruction of Set Point
65Doctoral Students Antje Ackermann Abira
Jeyabalan Yarlini Kanthasamy Thabothini
Tharmalingam Aline Urban Severina Vasileva Gabi
Landgrafe Jan Giebelstein Technical
Assistance Christine Fischer-Lahdo Cooperation
Partners Elisabeth Conrad-Opel Steffen
Hering Roland Köditz John E. M. Midgley Rudolf
Hörmann R. Larisch Rudolf Köhrle Ina Lehmphul Jan
W. Smit Sam Goede Melvin K. Leow Advisors and
General Support C. Renate Pickardt Ulla Mitzdorf
Bernhard O. Böhm Harald Klein Matthew Marler
J. W. DIETRICH 20141126