Title: Ava Electronic Recycling for Laptop, Desktop, Printer
1AVA E-Recycling
We are the Premier Chicago Computer Electronics
Recycling company of all types of electronics,
metals and junk vehicles. We will make sure all
data is destroyed. Your companies information
destruction is our top priority. The
information will be destroyed in a manner set by
the government, so there is no need to worry of
any leakage.
2What can be Recycled
- Printers and Copiers
- Monitors CRTs and flat screens
- Fax Machines and Central Office Equipment
- Televisions
- Stereo Equipment, Games, PDAs
- Banking and Financial Equipment
- Computers CPUs, laptops, mainframes,
peripherals - Medical Equipment
- Rechargeable batteries
- Telephones, Cell phones and Telephone systems
- Electronic Circuit boards and components
3Our Promise
Anything that is received will be disposed of
properly. You can be rest assured that we are
part of a global initiative to reduce land waste
and make our lives a little better. Bring your
unwanted or broken computers, cars, laptops, fax
machines, printers, speakers, amplifiers, etc.
and AVA Recycling will take care of the rest. We
will make sure all data is destroyed. Your
companys data destruction is our top priority.
We will make sure that the information does not
fall into the hands of any company or individual.
The information will be destroyed in a manner set
by the government, so there is no need to worry
of any leakage. AVA Electronics Recycling is
HIPAA, FACTA, Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act compliant.
ABOUT CHICAGO ILLINOIS Chicago IL is one of the
best cities to live in. The population means that
there are many cultures and many nationalities
that co mingle together. Food and culture are a
staple of the Chicago way! ELECTRONICS
RECYCLING CHICAGO Electronics Recycling is what
we do best. We serviceChicago Illinois on a daily
basis for all of its recycling needs. Our
Computer recycling process involves data
destruction electronic recycling certificates.
During computer recycling process we pull the
hard drives first.
5The Process
AVA Recycling prides itself in helping with Data
destruction to destroy all data in a manner
Exceeding Dept. of Defense Standards. Since more
and more companies in Chicago are discarding
their computers, we try to inform them of the
importance of data Destruction so valuable
information never gets into the wrong
hands. With over 2 million tons of E-waste going
to the dumps every year, We have cranked up our
efforts to inform Chicago of all the new
regulations and laws about Throwing away
electronics. 95 of corps qualify for a free
pick up. We can service residential TV/appliance
needs as well. FREE drop off for ALL items except
TV's. You will always find a location near by
Lowest cost TV recycling fee.
6Click Here to view our Drop Off locations Click
Here to view our Pick up locations
Connect to us847-397-2900 - 8am-6pm
OR 630-780-4560 - 9am-4pm Fax
630-206-0825 Visit www.avarecycling.com