Title: Five Star Living @ Country Club Gymkhana pricing!
1Five Star Living _at_ Country Club Gymkhana
pricing! The year 2015 is all about
brand new strides and grand new moves at
Country Club India. As a special 25 years
celebration bonus for all Country Club
members, we have introduced the phenomenal
game changing concept of FIVE STAR LIVING
_at_ GYMKHANA PRICING wherein pan India
members can savour delectable
2food beverages at nominal Gymkhana rates. The
stupendous initial response of this revolutionary
concept at our major clubs across the country has
kept our spirits soaring high. So, pay your AMC
dues right away and enjoy scrumptious meals in
our clubs at giveaway prices (not applicable at
our resorts). Cheers! Country Club Vacation
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y.com/memberships.html Country Club Vacation
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Club Official Sites http//www.countryclubindia.ne
t/ http//www.countryvacationsindia.com/ Social
Channels Facebook - https//www.facebook.com/coun
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