Title: Embryo and Sperm shipping - Surrogacy in India
1Embryo and Sperm shipping to India
2 Shipping Human embryos to India is an option
when the intended parents are not interested for
a long trip to India for Surrogacy. Generally
surrogacy in India for foreigners involves two
trips one for collecting the semen, oocyte
retrieval from the intended parents. The second
is at the time of baby birth.
3 In the first trip, the ivf treatment is done in
India, for this the intended mother who is using
her own eggs for surrogacy need to stay in India
for 18 days and the intended father for 5 days.
During the stay, the woman has been given
medication for the follicular growth and the eggs
4 For the male partner the semen samples are
collected during the stay. These two are then
combined to in a petri dish to form an embryo
which is then transferred to the uterus of the
surrogate mother.
5The intended parents need to stay longer during
the second trip nearly 3 to 6 weeks. At this time
all the necessary paper work to be done to get
the passport for the new born from the home
6 The second trip is must where the parents can
save the first trip by sending the oocytes, semen
or embryos to India. This means the IVF treatment
is done in their home country and then the frozen
eggs or semen or embryos will be shipped to India
through cryo shipping. If they have done IVF
treatment already the frozen embryos can be
shipped directly from the laboratory.
7Kiran Infertility Centre Pvt. Ltd, Hyderabad,
India http//kiranivfgenetic.com IVR (Interactive
Voice Response System) 91-953-340-4400 Follow
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