Title: Why your local banker is wrong about Dinar
1Why your local banker is wrong about the Dinar ?
Dinar Insider
2There are many great resources on Dinar
investing, but most local bankers arent among
Local Bankers
3We Have Some strong reasons to ignore banker's
Reasons to Ignore Bankers Advice.
4Conflict of interest
Any bankers first responsibility is to promote
services offered by their company, Bankers and
brokers are typically paid by commission and they
receive bonuses for their sales, which means they
are likely to ignore any financial product not
sold by their own companies.
In 2007, Rob Kindler, a vice-president for Morgan
Stanley, warned that bankers needed to act to
avoid these conflicts of interest. Goldman Sachs
created new policies to deal with conflicts in
2012, but few other banks have introduced reforms.
5Lack Of Foreign Currency Knowledge
When youre buying Dinars, you shouldnt rely on
advice from a financial professional who doesnt
understand the global currency markets. Local
bankers often discourage customers from
purchasing foreign currencies simply because they
dont have much knowledge of Forex markets.
Its better to speak with an expert who
understands the market.
6Political Biases
Most bankers have similarly-biased views of Iraq.
They havent noticed the steady stream of news
articles about Iraqs rapidly-growing oil
industry, or the fresh, stable new government.
You should avoid the advice of under-informed
people, and do your own research into the Iraqi
success story.
7Risk Management
Banks have also managed their own risks. They
have moved away from trading highly volatile
securities in recent years, especially after
Jamie Dimon cost JPMorgan Chase 2 billion in
trading losses. Banks are often worried about
Middle Eastern currencies in general.
Many banks are reluctant even to purchase 500
riyal Saudi notes, because they only understand
their own tiny local market niches.
8Do Your Own Research
People understandably turn to their local bankers
and brokers for investment advice. Unfortunately,
bankers are strongly biased toward their own
products, so they discourage investors from
considering other, potentially-higher-gaining
We Suggest You To Do Your Own Research
To be successful, Dinar investors should use
multiple sources of information.
9Dinar Insider
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