Title: Best Classic Movies of the 80's
1Best Classic Movies of 80's
This would be the films of our grandfather or
parents are favorite, or I think even us wants it
when we have finally done watching it. Classical
is easily recognized as past films that are
historical in our present status now. It would
help also us to distinguish the films in past
years and the films now.
2Back to the Future
A comic fiction film was that was released on
1985. It was written by Bob Gate and Zemeckis. It
became the most successful film in year 1985
after it was exactly released on July 3, 1985. It
is a story of a teenager named Marty McFly. His
parents are both don't have an ambition and also
an alcoholic one.
3Some Scene of the Movie
4Fast Times at Ridgemont High
A 1982 film that was written by Cameron Crowe. It
is an American teen film. A story focus on Brad
Hamilton which is a senior that thinking back of
his past years in his school. It focuses also in
Stacy Hamilton which is Brad's sister.
5Some Scene of the Movie
An American fiction film that was released on
1986. It was written by James Cameron. It was
focused on Aliens and Ellen Ripley which wants
to return in the planet where she sees and
encounters aliens.
7Some Scene of the Movie
8The Princess Bride
A romantic film that was released on 1987 and was
directed by Rob Reiner. The story was started on
reading a story to his grandson that was done by
his grandfather. It starts with a sweet love
story of a young lady named Buttercup and the
farm boy named Westley.
9Some Scene of the Movie
10Thank you for watching
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